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These are the projects that the kids of Háaleitisskóli's Destination Europe project have been recently working on.

From Iceland To France

'Iceland to France' is a travel book written by Cameron and Lind describing their thoughts and experiences about their trip to France. In the book, they write about what they did, who they met, where they went and what they thought about their experiences. 


Map Of The Participating Countries

​Lind, Cameron and Helena drew a map of Europe and then painted the participating countries with their individual country flag. On the side is each countries flag and then their countries name in first English and then in their native language.

From Iceland To Germany

In this project, Björn, Jeremi, Magnús and Hörður write about their visit to Germany. In it, they talk about where they went and what they did there. 


Summaries Of Each Individual Country

​For this project the entire class was split up into five groups. Each group was assigned a different country to write about. The summaries include facts like the language they speak, how big the country is, their religion, the size of the country, myths and more.


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